Pharmacuitical company informational video voicover for prospective clients

Profile photo for Tony Eli Marquez
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


This demo showcases my friendly, conversational, and formal voice with the ability to confidently read technical, medical copy. My voice stays \"on point\" and delivers an informative message with a confident tone.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Incorporated and Sanofi announced today than a Phase three study of surreal You Mob, an investigational, fully human aisle six receptor antibody met. It's Cho Primary efficacy, endpoints of a greater improvement in signs and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis at 24 weeks and physical function at 12 weeks. Compared to placebo. The study, called Cyril, are a Target evaluated the efficacy and safety of two subcutaneous surreal You MAB Doses versus placebo added to non biologic disease. Modifying anti romantic drugs or demarte therapy in ari patients who were inadequate responders to or intolerant off TNF Alfa inhibitors or T n F i r. The surreal are a target trial. Enrolled 546 TN f i R patients who were randomized to one of three treatment groups. Self administered sub continuously every other week of surreal you mob 200 milligrams surreal you mom 150 milligrams or placebo. In addition to deem art therapy both surreal, you MAB groups showed clinical, relevant and statistically significant improvements compared to the placebo group in both Cho primary endpoints. First improvement in signs and symptoms of Aria 24 weeks, as measured by the American College of rheumatology score of 20% improvement, where it's follows, 61% and the surreal You Mom 200 milligram group, 56% in the Serie Liam AB 150 milligram group and 34% in the placebo group, all in combination with demarte therapy. Second improvement in physical function, as measured by the change from baseline in the Health Assessment Question Disability Index and Week 12. The most frequently reported adverse events included infections and injection site reactions. Serious infections were uncommon reduction in Nero, Phil Count was the most common lab abnormality, and no unexpected safety findings were observed. Two additional trials from the Phase three program Surreal Ari, Easy and Sheryl are a ascertain. Also met their primary in Points. Surreal are a easy enrolled 217 patients and was designed to evaluate the technical performance and usability of the surreal You Mob auto injector device. There were no product technical failures with the auto injector. The primary endpoint of the study surreal are a ascertain was a 200 to patient safety calibrate er study designed to assess the safety of two subcutaneous doses of Cerulean mab and toasts Alicia Mob infusion in combination with deMars in patients with R A who were t N F i r. There were no clinically meaningful differences between the treatment groups in serious adverse events and serious infections. Detailed results from all three Cyril are a trials will be presented at future Medical Congress is surreal. You Mob is the first fully human monoclonal antibody directed against the aisle. Sex receptor. Surreal You Mab binds with high affinity to the Aisle six receptor. It blocks the binding of aisle six to its receptor and interrupts the result in side decline. Mediated, inflammatory signaling surreal. You Mob was developed using Regeneron's Vel awesome yeun antibody technology.