Sci-fi narration demo

Profile photo for ANTHONY LOVATO
Not Yet Rated


Using my filters it showcases me doing an older voice as well as a robotic voice.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Senior (55+)


North American (General) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
what lies his guys told you. Dines face lowered to a glare. You are a traitor and a saboteur. Dietrich chose his parting words carefully. Our fight is not with you, he reasoned. I made you to be more than just a kn enforcer for the wicked. Dietrich closed communications and fixed his eyes again upon the Ishtar Gate. His Vulcans continued to swarm around them. A ray of hope dawned upon him. The more their Attackers use their powers to stop the prince, the quicker he adapted and acquired those abilities. Could it save us now? Fly? Dietrich urged the prince. Doctor. I cannot. Yet you know as well as I think Geist will not stop it. Ruling over one continent, Dietrich warned. If we have any chance of stopping him, you have to try. The prince hesitated, understood?