Videogame Mysterious Sage



This is an audition demo.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I am the sage who seeks truth and ensures its transmission to the coming generations. You're weak, but you now have eyes to see. Like most everyone you know, you have been hijacked by a parasite. The parasite was born of Game A. The game you've been playing your whole life. It tells you how to think, feel on what to do Before Game A, there was the first game. The first game was, of course, multi player. Each player is necessary to sustain the principle of wholeness by stewarding the cycle of regeneration. All players must be present and respect each other's roles. Over time, the first game became so successful the number and sizes of tribes grew large, forcing us into close proximity. With one another, a new game emerged. Game A. In our race to master game, a nature's stewardship was lost. The pattern is clear now. We must play a new game if we are to survive and thrive. Game the