1st person POV Young Adult Fiction_ Astrid WS



An excerpt from \"Your Twenties\" by Jessica Smith. It is engaging, sincere, and sassy.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
If we're going to spend some time together, it's important for me to share why and how my journey of self discovery began. So bring it in, join me around the campfire, make some SMS and get comfy. Not a huge camper. But if I was, I'd definitely be orchestrating the Smores operation pro tip next time. Make yours with peanut butter cuffs. Instead of plain old chocolate, it'll change your life. The seed for my justice journey was planted during an oh crap. What just happened? Moment waking up with only a few weeks until graduation. Oh, and if you're wondering what's up with all this nest stuff, don't worry, we'll get to that too. Graduating college. What a trip, right? If I were to describe this experience in a metaphor, I'd liken it to what an astronaut feels. Zero gravity floating in space. Not sure how to navigate your next step. Slightly nauseous, nervous about the possibility that the cord connecting you to the mothership could be disconnected at any moment. All my life I was used to following a syllabus, turning things in getting feedback and finishing each class knowing what was next with graduation approaching. I felt myself wondering about all the things I wasn't taught in school. Where was the class on how to find a job, make a resume or how to rock an interview? The list, panic went on in all kinds of directions. I wasn't warned about any of this stuff. Now, all of a sudden I'm expected to know about it and know how to do it on my own. Welcome to your twenties, Jess. Call me crazy. But don't you think these sorts of topics would come up in a teacher training session on how to realistically prepare 20 year olds for the real world. I felt like I was expected to have it all figured out. There was no nice introduction to the U word that slapped me in the face. The minute I woke up every day for months leading up to graduation unknown. I didn't know how to handle the feeling of not knowing what was next. I was awkward and uncomfortable and I often thought I was the only person who felt this way because no one was talking about it. So out of survival, I created a fake persona. Someone who was confident, fearless and had everything under control. This girl had a solid post grad plan, knew exactly what she was going to do for work and had the next 10 years all figured out she had a clear idea of who she was and knew where she was going with confidence. I constantly prayed, no one would ask me about the details because in order to have details, I'd actually have to have a plan which I didn't. Everywhere I turned, I was being asked, what's next?