An Involuntary King

Profile photo for Gary Davis
Not Yet Rated


I was asked, by the author, to produce an example of the first chapter of her book in audiobook style to give to her publisher.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
My Lord Writers approach is the king's banner. The young man turned to see the sunburst and sword of his father's flag. He stood waiting on the stout stone bridge over the Trenta. He was tall, like the king and had his coloring, sandy hair, suntanned skin, remarkable blue eyes, and his warriors build as well. He was clad in mail and a thick blue wool cloak. He was the eighth, telling the heir to the throne of christ and the kingdom. That was no more peter, my son, the lead rider of the small company of armed men called Peter saluted him fist to chest, and his grin broadened. He approached the stirrup of the horse that bore his father and reached up to help the older man dismount. I don't need that. Not yet. Anyway, King Laurence swung his leg over the horse and hit the ground with perhaps a little too much bravado. As they walked together back to the side of the bridge, Peter noticed his father limping. It was the old, very old thigh wound. As the king aged, the leg troubled him increasingly