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There are some things that cannot be measured in monetary terms, but I would argue that the most valuable things in the world are secrets. There are some secrets that are so important that people will go to any lengths to keep them hidden. We live in mysterious world, but a single anonymous grave may hold the answers to many of our unanswered questions. If we dig deep enough into the annals of history, forget about that. For the time being. The focus of today's video is the top 10 secrets of the world. Number 10 the zodiac letters Zodiac, a serial killer active in northern California in the sixties, is blamed for a period of widespread fear. During that decade, the perpetrator sent letters and cards to local newspapers in which he threatened to go on a kill Spree and plant bombs if his threats were not published, the killer may have intended to treat his victims as slaves in the hereafter. As suggested by one of the decoded messages. Five people were murdered in San Francisco and its surrounding areas by the Zodiac between December of 1968 and October of 1969 Venetia Valley. Ho San Francisco and unincorporated napa county were the first places to report assault attempts. He let the male halves of the attack couples live, but he decided to end the taxi driver's life. The zodiac has been linked to numerous unsolved murders across the country. The S. F. P. D. Reopened the case which has been dormant since april of 2004 in early 2007. As of the time this article was written, Police in Solano County and Vallejo were still looking into the incident since 1969. The state of California has maintained a file on the zodiac case. One serial killers coded message was deciphered after 51 years. The zodiac killer claimed responsibility for his final two murders in november of 1969 and followed up with a new puzzle for the san Francisco chronicle Z340 was named because it contained exactly 340 characters number nine sugar borough inscription. The 18th century inscription on the Shepherd's monument at Staffordshire Sugar Borough Hall had baffled experts. It reads o u o S V A V. V. On the monument. The words arcadian shepherds appear below. There's no way to know what this inscription means. There's a chance it can be deciphered by keith Massey, a latin and Arabic teacher. The mystery of Dickens and Darwin in his mind has been solved. Many of the 19th century's brightest minds tried and failed. After 9 11, the N. S. A benefited from Massey's knowledge of latin. Massey claimed that his proposal offered a plausible explanation for the mystery. My understanding is supported by ancient texts and inscriptions found on tombs. In fact, the author actively warns against thinking too deeply number eight, The Coca Cola recipe since its introduction in 1886. No other soft drink has come close to matching Coca Cola in popularity or sales to rephrase this is how you recognize a high quality beverage. One of the best kept secrets in the world is the coca cola recipe which is in case you didn't know extremely secretive. Due to the sensitive nature of this data, the company has decided to abandon its plans to market in the indian market. The divorce proceedings of one of the heirs were delayed because his wife wanted to know his grandfather's secret coca cola recipe. The company was careful to shield the notes from her hands until the formula was released to the public when it comes to production of coca cola. Very few employees actually know the details at this time. No more than two workers are allowed to know the formulas by heart. These select employees must pledge their absolute secrecy to the company in order to keep their jobs. Number seven, The secrets of the pyramids. It seems that the methods used to build the pyramids are more of a mystery than a closely guarded secret. Historians, archaeologists and scientists have had differing opinions on this matter. Men from Egypt constructed them in the middle of the desert more than 4500 years ago using antiquated methods and tools. This cycle of theory being debunked by another continues indefinitely. Reading ancient Egyptian texts is the only way to get a definitive answer to this question though. # six. Area 51. When it comes to ultra secret facilities, nobody does it better than Area 51. The Nevada desert is home to Area 51 A top secret military base with ties to futuristic technological development. The C. I. A. Has been using the desert base for decades but they didn't come clean about it until 2013. Unconfirmed reports suggested that area 51 is used as a test ground for state of the art aircraft and weapons in addition to its official role as a military training facility. Due to the importance of the area rules prohibit any outsiders from entering the site or flying over it. The sale of conspiracy theories has skyrocketed. As a result, the question of whether or not area 51 is home to aliens has been asked for decades. The information may be lost forever. Number five, the classic trade secret case of Listerine. The mouthwash to us, it makes no sense that anyone would try to hide something as obvious as mouthwash. In 18 80 when Fizer first bought the formula, that's exactly what they thought. Dr J. J. Lawrence, the inventor was paid royalties for his work for the next 70 years. However, they eventually learn that the formula, they're widely successful. Mouthwash has been public knowledge for quite some time. The companies filed suit against the Lawrence family, but the case was dismissed because of the defendants had lawfully obtained the formula even though it is rarely used. The secret recipe for that mouthwash is still very secretive. # four Mexican language called Panico. Over the course of many centuries, the open echo language was spoken throughout what is now Mexico. The city has endured spanish conquest, multiple wars, revolutionary upheavals, widespread starvation and catastrophic flooding without succumbing to any of these threats. As with many other native tongues, its future is uncertain. They don't even talk to each other and there are only two native speakers left manual segovia 75 and Isidro velazquez 69 are men who share a home in the village of Iaapa located in the tropical lowlands of the southwestern state of Tabasco. Their homes are only 500 m apart from one another. It's generally agreed upon by the family and friends. They've never had a good time together. It's unclear whether this is a result of a recent disagreement or something that happened in the distant past. It appears that we can finally lay to rest. A third departed tongue alongside these two hearty old timers, Number three lost plutonium in the Himalayas, the United States and India collaborated in the 19 sixties to keep tabs on china's nuclear program. They went to the Himalayas to put in some sensors powered by the radioactive isotope plutonium 2 38 but they had to back out of the mission because of safety concerns. The sensors were gone. When they got back, locals blamed the undiscovered plutonium devices for devastating floods caused by glaciers melting off the mountains. Number two, construction of china's great wall more than 21,000 kilometers long. The great wall of china took roughly 20 years to build landscapes, plateaus, highlands and other features of the land made it hard to get around. However, there was a price to be paid for overcoming these challenges and maintaining such a massive wall. Human remains have been uncovered by archaeologists beneath sections of the wall. The construction of one of the seven wonders of the world cost the lives of over a million people. As a result of this tragedy, the great Wall china has become the largest cemetery in the world. Number one, the Hapsburg napkin fold. Would you believe one of Austria's top government secrets is the art of folding a Hapsburg napkin. This is the reality. As absurd as it may be. Only the members of the Austrian royal family are privy to the secret instructions for folding the Hapsburg napkin. The unique fold was used at the dining tables of Austrian Hungarian monarchy. The most intriguing feature is the countless attempts at folding that have been made without success. True story. You won't find written instructions on how to fold it anywhere on the planet. The proper way to fold a Hapsburg napkin is a secret, known only to the closest friends of state officials. They make a solemn oath to protect the identity of the creators of this design at all costs. What's the point in hiding this though? It is whispered that it is a culture of royalty that must remain hidden forever. What secret do you know? Care to share it? In the comment section below. See you in our next video. Please don't forget to like comment and subscribe and hit the notification bell so you'll be notified when we have a new video. Thank you so much for watching.