Political Demo

Profile photo for Bill Dyson
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad


The varied tones of voice and manner commonly heard in political advertising are featured in this demo.

Vocal Characteristics




North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
out of state billionaires. Air spending big to support John Douglas because they know he'll cut taxes on big business politicians. Steve Sauder seems tohave his priorities a little backwards stage Sodders voted to spend the hundreds of thousands of dollars on free trolley service for Des Moines lobbyists. This is South Dakota's moment. We can choose leadership that values education and creates riel jobs in all communities. Someday, someone close to you may need Cincinnati Children's or using medical center issues seven. Health and hospital if he provides critical medical care. Next. Internet E Children's and you see medicine, said Deanna Right is a disappointing eight years on the school board, a record that's a blank page loving much for our students. Deanna Right is wrong for us. People around here give their sweat and blood every day, day in, day out to earn about $26,000 a year. Struggled to make ends meet while rich CEOs make 331 times what we do now. The Wall Street banks and Big Oil Company CEO are supporting Republican Terry Nichols campaign as governor Felix Camacho partnered with the federal government to make major improvements for Guam. He built four new schools without spending a single local dollar