Insurance Ad (Canadian English) - Calm and assuring voice

Online Ad


With the tone in this audio, my aim was to provide a sense of calm and assurance. When people sign up for online services, the biggest worry is not having someone in person to run to, hence it helps when they are reassured of their choice and also know that they are well supported.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (Canadian-General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Congratulations. You just bought Allstate Homeowners Insurance. And now if your home or property suffers a covered loss or his damage, you'll be covered. And that's a good feeling. However, there are some things that can't be replaced. So that's why it's so important to prevent the damages from occurring in the first place. Here, you learn what steps you can take to make your home safe and secure.