Ben Carter – Testimonial, Guy Next Door, Relatable

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Father, dad, family man, family guy, middle aged, testimonial, personable, reasonable, everyman, guy next door, guy next-door, guy nextdoor, believable, conversational, genuine, honest, natural, normal guy, normal man, normal person, real person, realistic, regular guy, regular joe, regular person, regular man, relatable, sincere, true, trustworthy, truthful, typical guy, typical man, typical person, accessible, affable, amicable, confessional, approachable, best friend, buddy, casual, chummy, comfortable, companion, easygoing, extraverted, extroverted, familiar, friend, friendly, genial, good-natured, good person, authentic, average guy, average man, average person, informal, laid back, lighthearted, mellow, neighborly, next door neighbor, nice guy, nonchalant, relaxed, sociable, social, warm, playful, positive, rosy, smile, smiling, spunk, spunky, sunny, upbeat, vibrant, male, alive, animated, chatty, happy, jolly, jovial, joyful, joyous, lively, outgoing, man, bright, midlife, youthful, chuckle, chuckling, laugh, laughing, giggle, giggling, honestly I bought my family Hershey Park season passes so we could get the kids out of the house more, Hershey Park commercial, Hershey Park spot, Hershey Park ad

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
honestly, I bought my family Hersheypark season passes so we could get the kids out of the house more. What I didn't realize was how much fun it would be to just been time together.