A Dramatic Voice - Monologue

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This is my monologue which depicts a very emotional and dramatic tone.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) North American (General) Trans-Atlantic


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
monologue by Sarah Hunt, Wait, who, who told you you were a failure? Let me tell you something you are powerless because you listen to the wrong voice. You believe lies all day and they keep you up at night, feeding that sense of inadequacy of yours. What's funny is that the problem isn't that you have low self esteem? The problem is that you think too highly of yourself? Has it occurred to you that you're not the first to struggle the way you're struggling? Yeah, yeah. You say, you know, but you don't know it. You don't, it's like this arrogant sense of self worth and worthiness and entitlement. You're in pain and the whole world should stop and acknowledge it with you. Well, let me tell you something baby, nobody cares. Nobody cares, nobody cares because everybody's busy carrying around their own grief, trauma and anxiety, like some sort of a saddle. You think you're the only one and you know what's even worse? You have no idea. Or maybe you don't care what had to happen for you to be here. You should take a moment sometime to imagine who had to flounder who had to fight to hang on refusing to let go when it would have been completely understandable if they did. Because everyone around was doing just that. Everyone around was walking away in surrender for you to be sitting here and your knockoff designer jacket and your little Tiktok following and legion of friends who couldn't care less if you let that little suicidal ideation take over for you to be sitting here. Someone had to hang on, You come from that, That's who you are. There are people out there highly decorated and accomplished people, people you look up to and admire, working hard to reduce their lives based on the things they are afraid of. Oh, they look great on the outside. But the torment runs deep, child. It runs deep. The voice of fear and shame constantly punking them, Keeping them from doing something they're supposed to do because people might laugh. It's all smoke and mirrors, hon that's why it's so hard for you. There's a part of you that knows it. I hate it too. But no one is coming to rescue you and that's a good thing. Trust me.