Beth Pierce Character Demo Reel

Profile photo for Beth Pierce
Not Yet Rated


Beth Pierce's Character Demo Reel

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Child (5-12)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
beth pierce! They'll all laugh at me when they hear I've lost my wand. Oh, I have to find it. The wondrous Woods can't be that bad, can it You think? You know what's best for me? But you don't. You act like some ******* saint for saving my life when I never even asked you to. You took away everything from me, stripped me of my life, to avoid me of emotion. And for what I guess for me to call you ******* saint, Did you say you need help on your math homework? Well, you're in luck because I'm kind of a math genius. Okay, so long division is it? Let's start on an easy 1. 10, divided by five. Come on in. Let's go on an adventure. I'm sure it will be fun. How do you show no remorse for those you kill? Do you not remember everything I've lost because of you? I'll kill you for that. I'll kill you. Give it back, putting your mouth on it in everything. But well, it's still okay. Oh lucky there's actually some more water in it now. Thank you for stopping by. Hopefully you can stop by the gift shop and get some refreshments on the way out max. This was supposed to be professional. What are you doing? Oh, sorry, I can't tell you.