Beth Stewart Commercial Demo

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Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Oh my gosh, Orange is the New Black better call Saul Creek and Downton Abbey Marathon looks like another netflix weekend. There's Betsy and her new range rover. 100 grand to go to the pharmacy and drop sandy off at ballet practice. The turnpike is the only range of that thing will ever rove me. I'm happy with my Kia soul with built in Gps and optional leather seats. It gets my family where we need to go. Oh and its safety rating better than a range rover. Hashtag Kia soul for more. When it has to be perfect, it has to be Helzberg. Quality is important to me when I'm furnishing my home. It's less important to Golem. My husband's aptly named hairless Terrier. Her rugs have an average life span of 6 to 9 months. Thanks to the walking fire hose over there. So I shop at Overstock dot com. I get quality at a price that makes me a little less sad when the smell be gone, spray stops doing the trick. Oh Golem, no, not on the coffee table for the artists and the dancers, for those who love nature and those of a different nature. We are inception. We are the future of virtual reality