The Curious Child - award winning animation



The animation by Howard Vause has won many awards including 1st place in the London Discover Film Festival 2020. Bethan Dixon Bate is the narrator.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (England - South East - Oxford, Sussex) British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
The curious child. There once was a curious child. She never stopped asking questions. What, where, when, how and her favorite question of all? Why? One balmy evening as she lay on her back, gazing up at the stars. She said, why am I alive? Why? The next day she asked her friends, they said they'd never really thought about it. She should ask a human. The carnival had arrived. She asked the man who seemed to be in charge, why am I alive? Why take your ticket and follow me said, the man you can pay later. Hurry, hurry said the illusionist. Why am I alive? What a silly question said, the jolly fat candy man here use an ice cream instead. You want truth. Said the marvelous Mermaid. Let me tell you about truth. Forget those losers interrupted the lion tamer, take control and follow me. Do as he says, said, the strongman quick march that the girl was already walking away from the carnival. The curious child became a wise old woman all this time. She'd never stopped asking questions and her favorite question of all, why am I alive? Why? One night they came and knocked at the door to her surprise, it was death. There's something important I need to ask you. Hush. Now, sit death. Follow me, follow me, follow me. And then the strangest thing for try as she might, she simply couldn't remember what her question had been. Mhm.