Warm Conversational Explainer Animation



Voiced, edited, mastered

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
So how do you know if you're financially healthy? Your credit score is a great place to start. A credit score is a number that represents a person's credit worthiness, maintaining morale and team spirit can be one of the hardest elements of managing a team remotely without a shared physical space, informal chat and team bonding can present a challenge. But there are some ways you can create a sense of community among team members. Welcome back to another installment of alliance communications call center training. In this next scenario, you'll be helping a customer with a billing question. The goal is to help the customer with their questions without escalating the situation. Brain activity is made possible by the interconnections of neurons that are linked together to reach their targets. A neuron consists of a cell body, axon and dendrites. Dendrites are often extensive branches that receive information in the form of signals from the axon terminals of other neurons. Here at Go Daddy. We know a thing or two about website security. But what exactly is website security? It's actually pretty simple. It's the protective measures and protocols that organizations adopt to protect themselves from cyber criminals and threats.