Users of Twitch Podcast

Profile photo for David McClain
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I created a podcast interviewing my friends who happened to be users of Twitch. I was the main voice.

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North American (General) North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes)


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Welcome to the users of Twitch Podcast. My name is Big D two. I'm a user on twitch and this podcast will explore the many users and people we use twitch on a regular basis. You will learn some quick tips, you'll learn more about what twitch is and you may find yourself with some advice if you are willing to start being a streamer. Live streaming has gained a lot of popularity Since 2020 when COVID hit the United States and other parts of the world. And this podcast is gonna explore the diversity of the many people who you switch to watch. People live, stream, video games, music and other forms of art on today's episode. We have Fucile as um's, who happens to be a social media manager and entrepreneur and the owner of the clown entertainment. Welcome. So thank you. I'm very happy to be here. Alright. So, um, I have some questions here for you today and I'd like for you to give your opinion and your answers to and maybe talk more about um, twitch in general and how you use twitch and um, why people should um, go use twitch. So my first question for you is how did you actually find twitch? I found twitch because I met uh ruin hatter at work one day and before that I had no idea about which or what, which was or anything. So I was quite amazed when I found it. And so what have your experiences been on twitch so far so far on twitch. My experiences have been pretty good for the most part only thing is when I first hopped on, I had joined the streaming community, which I regretted because they found out about my social media presence and they decided that they wanted to try to benefit from it. So they, they hit me with what I believe is called the viewer bot, which gives you a whole bunch of artificial viewers, but it actually hurts you in the end, it doesn't help you, like you think it would. Okay, so you are a streamer, how often do you stream and what types of games do you play now? I only stream every now and then when I kind of feel like it. Uh but when I first started I would try to stream 2 to 3 times a week and the games that I typically play are uh fighting survival, I'm sorry, survival racing or first person shooter games. Okay, now, are there other game categories or types of games that you enjoy watching people on twitch? Because twitch is um kind of considered a content creation platform, similar to Youtube with the exception, that twitch is mainly live streaming and so as you find people to watch and to see um what are some gaming categories do you like to watch or are they similar to the games that you like to play? Um I like to watch all the games that I like to play, such as escape from Kharkov or seven days to die, but surprisingly, some of my favorite games to watch that I do not play or like uh Project Zom Boyd, which is a really cool zombie survival game. I really enjoy watching all survival games as much as I play first person shooters. You would think that I would really enjoy watching them, but I don't, can I? Another like I would say subcategory of games that I really, really, really enjoy watching is indie games, just your low budget kind of two d almost indie games. And my favorite thing to do with it is I'll find a game like Project Sam Boyd and I'll go in and look for somebody that's got single digit viewers are lower just because kind of like watching college football, it seems like when people first start streaming, there are a lot more passionate about it. Yeah, of course. I know when I started off on twitch, the main reason why I used it was to be able to find games that I like to play and then eventually if I enjoy the game like watching it enough, I'd go out and buy the game from either Gamestop or other places where you can find games for consoles because now twitch happens to be a place where you can, where people play computer games, they play console games. And so I know a lot of the viewership, people enjoy certain types of games and like you said, you know, first person shooters as much as you enjoy playing them. Sometimes it's not always the most fantastic experience to watch because you're basically watching the same thing over and over, which is someone just shooting other people, you know, and playing the game like um, I know a big category that blew up on twitch a few years ago was Battle Royals with the Fortnite and a war zone and it seems like there are a lot of streamers on there that play Battle Royals and, and you know, play the first person shooters, think games like that. Get a lot of good press from having the, you know, tons of users playing those games. Absolutely, I do uh, personally for me, those types of games are exciting, but I don't really know how to put it for me, the more I watched the game play, the less I want to play it when it comes to, especially battle Royals. Uh, like you said, it's just the same thing over and over and over. There's no real storyline or progress to follow uh, admittedly some people can do really well and it's exciting to see their tactics, but besides that, I don't Okay, um, so twitch is considered a social media platform and as a social media manager, do you think that the platform itself is doing a good job of being part of the social media world or do you think that there are improvements that maybe twitch is not a social media platform, it's just a platform for live streaming. Like what are your, what are your thoughts on that? I think that it could definitely be considered a social media platform just with the basis of social media being people connecting. Uh, because you can do things such as just talking and so on and so forth. And you see a lot of people do, uh, podcast or video podcasts and stuff on twitch. But in my personal opinion, I wouldn't really call twitch social media. Um, just because there's no, you see in social media, twitter, reddit, uh, facebook, all of it, there's always a way to kind of update people on what you're doing. And in my opinion, that's kind of what social media seems to be there for. It's just more or less keep in touch with people a certain following and with twitch, I feel like the only time you ever really get that is when you're alive, admittedly people can do video clips and video on demand, but it's not really the same. Yeah, it's, it's very similar to Youtube. Youtube has a very wide array of video on demand or video clips posted to their website every day. Whereas twitch has the same thing, but on twitch, I feel like the video on demand and the clip section aren't heavily promoted. And so, um, for most people who live stream on twitch, uh, that, that aspect of live streaming is kind of how they grow their channel and since you can't do that on the website, you know, it's, well you can do it on the website, but it's not something that users flock to twitch to go see. Yeah, there's a couple of viewers or I'm sorry, a couple of streamers, I will go back through and I will watch their, their clips and whatnot. Some of them is just because they're friends and I'm trying to support them. And then honestly the other ones are because they're friends and I'm trying to support them and I enjoy their contact. I can't say that any of my favorite streamers outside of being close personal friends even, uh, that I go and watch their clips necessarily. Like if a clip pops up somewhere else and I see it, I'll enjoy it. You know, I like it show them support that I can, but I can't really say that I go out of my way with twitch to go see clips where I would with like facebook. Uh, it's nice because I can go to somebody's facebook page for their gaming and I can see all of their clips, you know, their updates and so on and so forth, just by scrolling down their actual page and then also it, it pops up in my news feed, so it's already, it's already there and it's already kind of, it's promoted. I feel like it promotes them more as an individual, whether they're alive or not. Okay, So now in the social media aspect that you were talking about before with people connecting to each other. Do you think twitch does a good job of connecting people from all around the world or do you think it's localized to a certain area? Because I know some of my experience in the past is I've found people who are relatively, uh, in my area of the midwest more than finding people uh, you know, on the other side of the world. Do you think that's something that twitch does or like as, as someone who is a user of twitch? Do you, have you found a lot of people outside your local area or your like regional area or have you, have you mainly found people who are fairly close to where you are in the part of the world you're in. It seems to me with twitch for the most part, I find people within my area and like the northern Midwest and that does kind of, I never really thought about it until you said something just now, but that is kind of surprising to me with being on an internet platform, you'd think that they would span it out more. Like, I know with most of the Facebooks that I run uh, a lot of my reach is actually overseas, like I couldn't even tell you, I probably get a million people a month looking at my stuff throughout my social media, my other social media accounts, uh, over in like Pakistan and even Egypt, which I would have never thought that they were as internet heavy over there. But they are and they're very, very into video games, which surprises me, that twitch doesn't go for that international reach. Well I think TWITCH has the international reach, but I feel like some of what their recommendations, they recommend people within a certain region and it's almost like you have to um, branch out at some point to find others who are streaming elsewhere because it seems like, so for me, like from my experiences of being on twitch, I have, I've noticed that a lot of my recommendations are people from the midwest or the east coast of the United States and then I do have some friends who, you know live in europe and who live on other sides of the world and most of them I've met through twitch, but none of their pages were ever recommended to me. I always met them through someone else that we watched and had in common. And I know you've talked about like your other social media pages and having people from different parts of the world come see them. How do you think, how do you think that that is? How do you think twitch can improve upon that to bring people from other regions together? I think that I think that if they had the ability, so one of my favorite radio stations around here around, roll around where I live, I wanna give a plug out to them, no offense because no shameless plugs, but they're an alternative rock radio station and every friday they do a thing where they call it, uh, international rock and it's for an hour long, But I think there Friday at 9:00, so it's kind of prime time. They play all international rock music, anything that's from anywhere other than America. Uh, most of the time they even do anything from outside of north America. So now no Canada or Mexico, I think that if twitch were to offer a category kind of similar to that, almost like a international streamers, like somewheres from, not in your region, that would honestly be something that I would be very interested to check out. Uh, my whole life have always been very interested in other cultures, which could be a good reason to why I get so much international reach is I'm always looking for. I'm always like curious what's going on. I'm curious about world news. So I think that if twitch were to have a subcategory about like international gaming or even a world gaming or something along those lines, it would be beneficiary to them and I personally would enjoy it. That's an interesting viewpoint. Um, so now with your other social media accounts, do you use twitch to help promote your other accounts or do you think your other accounts, um, actually help promote your twitch, I typically use my other accounts to help promote my twitch. Um, I'm sure when I stream, when people ask about it, I do tell them about, we'd be calling entertainment and I'll send them to the way to the website or to, you know, the social media is if they ask about it or the discord, but for the most part, I don't think I could get too much reach pulled in from twitch to my other social media accounts. But I know that I could get a lot of, a lot from my other accounts to twitch, if that makes any sense. Yeah, that does make a lot of sense. I mean, because I know twitch, um, many streamers who use twitch as a platform for live streaming. Um, they, it seems the consensus is that in order that streaming is just a part of what they do. It's not the whole picture. And you know, I hear, I hear a lot of times, um, from young people, uh, you know, I don't want to say Children because some of these young people are not actually Children, they're teenagers. They're, you know, video gamers, they're, you know, lover of games. Um, but I hear them say a lot that they would like to become a full time streamer or a full time youtuber and now a lot of people that I know that uses, which for them it is a full time, there are some that I happen to watch that make it their full time gig, but they make most of their, their money, their, their monetary, you know, to help support themselves, their money to help support themselves in other ways from you know, platforms like Youtube and from um you know Youtube, Tiktok, other social media aspects and so if you were to hear someone, a young person today say, hey I want to be a full time streamer as a job, what would you, what would you, what advice would you give them uh as a job? The best advice I could ever give you is make sure that you set a good foundation for yourself, make sure that you're not, you don't put all of your, all of your eggs in one basket, more or less. Uh just to where if you were to get a band on one platform or the other, you still have a way of, of making revenue. I made that mistake when I first started on the social media management and I actually made it my full time job and then I Made a mistake and I got uh a monetization band. And when that happened, that stopped my income completely as at that point I had no income coming in for the next 90 days and I had to go out and find something else when I worked at other points of revenue and I wish that was something that somebody would have told me when I first started. Okay, so building, so building upon that advice, do you think full time streaming and full time making gaming videos is a viable job? Yes, I do. But I think with all social media in all honesty, it has what I like to call a quicksand floor because it will feel very sturdy at points, but out of nowhere is the bottom can just completely give out and then you're left there with nothing. And that's something I think a lot of people don't, don't realize is that the entertainment business is the hardest business to keep a prolonged audience. It's, it's very easy to get something to go viral. It's very easy to make somebody very, very popular very quick. It's damn near impossible to keep that heat going. Yeah, I like that you said entertainment because a lot of people do use twitch as an entertainment platform and I think you're writing some aspects that, you know, if someone wanted to do this full time, I feel like they would need, um, to be able to do other things, keep them viable in the live streaming space. Like I think for me personally, like I use twitch as twitch, twitch is a hobby for me and doing live streaming in front of people and entertaining the people that I come by streams all the time. It gives me great joy to be able to have people come by and sit with me for a couple hours while I play a game and just chat with each other, like we talk about life and in general and we talk about, you know, we talk about their aspects of life and I've had people from all walks of life, you know, come by my stream and you know, I think entertaining people is the basis of what twitch streamers do you hear a lot of people say, oh get a real job, you're just playing video games, you know, that always makes me laugh every time somebody tells me to get a real job, you're just making video games. Um I won't throw any specific numbers out there, but my, my best revenue from income and a single month through social media Could have literally paid my year's salary one month. So I mean it always makes me laugh when people say get a real job and when I first started I used to get really angry at it. Like my mentors, if you will give me some of the best perspective on it and he says to me, you know, it's not that they, it's not that they want you to get a real job or whatever, blah blah blah. It's just that they don't understand and they don't like what you're doing and what you have going on. So the only thing that they can do is hate on it because they don't understand. So he's like listen, you can you can try to explain it to them or you can let it roll off your shoulder, but no matter what you do you're not gonna bother them. And I'm like, you know, that's that's a really good yeah, see I think I think a lot comes from the entertainment perspective is ideally you're doing the same thing as what actors and actresses do in movies and on tv and, and um you know, you hear a lot of people having a podcast like this one, I think sometimes people get that misconception of live streaming on twitch where yes, you're playing video games, but there's a lot more to do on twitch than just play video games, you know, and when they when they talk about, you know, get a real job, why what I like to say to them is why can't video games be a real job. There are people creating video games every day. There are people testing for bugs in video games. You know, these video games are entertaining, your Children, they're entertaining your family members, they're they're keeping you, you know, they're keeping people out of trouble, you know, and so that stigma of get a real job, you know, to me it can be a real job and, you know, like people sometimes don't understand how much work goes into live streaming and how much work to set up a live stream. I mean like technology has made live streaming 110% easier. Oh yes, and I feel like it's so simple to create a user account on twitch If you have a console, if you have a playstation or an xbox, you have that access to press a couple buttons with and enter your user information and you can be live streaming within 10 minutes. So do you think that with the ease of access of it, Is that why people sometimes feel like it's not a real job? I do, honestly, that is definitely a portion of it, but that and also people people relate to which to video games, but also people relate uh social media in general, it's kind of crazy, isn't it? Almost to laziness because I've gotten a lot too and people are like, especially when that's all I was doing, people be like, you know, why don't you go out and get a real job, you know, social media, it's not a real job and I can kind of see where they're coming from on that. But the only thing is like I said uh the only difference really is is I find a way to make a good amount of revenue with it where they haven't, but I forget all the time that I'm part of that like .0001% of people that can do that and I think that's where a lot more of that kind of comes from is that so little people actually make it, you know uh that people just don't think it's even possible. People are like, oh, you know, you can't, you can't make money off a twitch to actually make enough money to live, but I mean as long as you Yeah, absolutely, and I mean there's been, I can, I can name off at least three people off the top of my head who have made careers on social media and then they've used that social media career and you know, boosted themselves into something else. Like, you know, being an actor, being an actress, you know, starring in commercials, uh, you know, and I get where people think that, you know, doing this is impossible because at times being a, being a streamer, you know, seem things do seem like out of reach, but I feel like twitch and technology in a lot of ways have made, um, these impossible, you know, revenue streams way more possible to a lot more people. So as someone who comes from a social media background, what do you think would help not spread the misinformation to these people who say, oh, get a real job or you're not gonna make any money doing it? Like, what, what do you think, what do you think you streamers can do or, or people can do in general to get rid of that stigmata really, the only way that I could think to get it done would be to show people that there, that you can make revenue with that with that, that would be something I personally wouldn't want to do. I've had a few people ask me like, well, how much do you make on average a month or how much is the most you've made? And I was like, look, honestly it's none of your business. And then those are typically the people are like, oh yeah, you don't make anything. And for the most part with me anyways, I feel like that just shows that they're just closed minded people and not really, not really worth my time to try to change their opinion because you, you can talk until you're blue in the face and they'll still tell you to go out and get a real job, especially with this whole mentality right now where it seems like nobody wants to work. Everybody gets really upset with you when they find out that you're, you're making money at home. And I think that's more of a jealousy thing than anything else to tell you the truth. Because I had somebody just recently yesterday, get on my case about that. Like, what do you mean you make money off of social media, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah and that's not cool. I wish I could do that and just get angry with me for it. I'm like, it's not my fault that you can't and I'm sorry that you can't, I'm like, well, You could teach me and all this and don't get me wrong, I could, but I'll work a 40 hour week at work and then come home and put in 80 hours that same week on the computer between everything, make nothing from it. Yeah. See, and that's, that's exactly what I do is as like, I don't, I don't have a huge revenue stream from twitch itself and I do make some, I make some from twitch and then I make some from elsewhere, but I also work a 42 hour a week job and then I come and spend, You know, probably 20-25 hours a week live streaming, creating videos, working on this podcast, doing all kinds of stuff for content creation because that's ultimately what all this is is is you're creating content to entertain people. And you know, like I spend 20-25 hours a week doing that and I'm doing it for little to nothing. I mean, I personally, I would do it for free if I could. I mean, this would be something that I would want to do for free. So if, if I were to go out and win the lottery tomorrow and I had all the money I needed for the rest of my life, I honestly would do this for nothing. I would not charge people for it. I would not, you know, I would not ask them to subscribe to my channel, but see people still would. And I think that's, that's the whole culture of twitch is that if you like someone and like what they do, you know, a lot you're willing to give them money that you've earned through other means, telling people about that and telling them that it is hard work to do stuff like this can help change their mind about, you know, getting a real job or getting doing other things. What does your organization do? Um we focus uh well, really, in all honesty, we focus mainly just on trying to keep people happy. Like my whole business model was changing the world one smile at a time. So to elaborate a little bit more on that. Uh, myself and a couple of my friends were always on the lookout for uh, for good memes, uh, opposed to the social media is to get reach out there. And then we also sell uh, t shirts and other merchandise. We got t shirts, whole clothing line, which is where myself and a team, a small team that I have, we're always on the lookout for good memes and things like that to distribute throughout the social media. To help keep the reach up, which helps drive traffic to the website itself. And then uh on the website, and also the social media, you can buy our merchandise. We've got a some pretty funny t shirts, hats, things of that nature. We have a couple of specialized things such as pillows. We do uh custom t shirts if you want something special. And then, uh, I also actually have a video contract that I've been working, working out the details with viral hog for going on about a year now to be able to use their, their licensed videos and then sell advertisements on those as well. It's just getting people to, the social media's into the website to get them to see the advertisements. Once you get to a point where you can monetize with advertisements on your facebook or your inner, your twitch, uh, it helps. But the real game changer for me was getting the website and getting google ads onto the website. So now basically you, you own your own website, you design clothes. Now, your clothing line is, so to speak. Is that something that anyone can come to you and say, hey, I'd like you to print out some shirts for me that I would like to sell his merchandise. Say, say for instance, a streamer or, you know, a band or, you know, I don't know who else would need t shirts for whatever reason. So that's, so that's something that you, you do and now is your, your entertainment company. Do you get new people like, do you ask people to be a part of it or how does, how does that work for you? Um, I'm very, very selective. Uh, very, very selective on who I allow into the business or honestly, who I even, this is gonna sound bad about who I wait, who I use my time on because I know I have learned over the years, especially that time is something you can't get back. Excuse me. And I just don't, I don't know, I I hate putting in so many hours to help somebody out, even if it's only like 100% for their benefit and none of mine just to watch him give up before they even start. So I've seen that a lot. So when I, when I do let somebody in with me, uh typically I feel like they've shown their devotion well before and it's not something that would just help out anybody where when I was in the beginning, I was so happy to have the knowledge that I had that I would help out anybody and everybody. I think ultimately that's what I feel like sometimes that's what twitches is being able to help other people, you know, no matter what their their day to day issues that they're dealing with. And I feel like being able to watch someone on on twitch for an hour, two hours or for however long you could vote your time to it, you know, ultimately you're helping entertain someone, you know, throughout the day. Alright, so I got one more question for you before we wrap this up. And my question is, is, you hear people, you know, as we talked about earlier in the, in the cast that everyone wants to be a live streamer or be a Youtuber, do you think content creation is for everyone? I would have to say definitely not. Content creation is not for everybody. Um, it's a very hard push. You, you're gonna work really, really hard for no revenue and then you will be, you will get the fame well before you get the money. And one thing I didn't realize uh, with the fame is you're gonna get a lot of hate and the hate will come before the love and don't get me wrong, you're gonna have a lot of loyal people out there. You maybe have a lot of loyal fans, but you're gonna have the same amount. If not more people that dislike you. And it's a, it's a hard thing to deal with. Honestly, even me, I got, I got really, really, really thick skin if you ask anybody. I know, but I probably get about a message a week of somebody that is just brutally awful to me and it's because people think that they're anonymous on the internet, so it's something you really gotta be prepared for. So with your opinion of thinking that content creation isn't for everyone, do you think content creation can be done by anyone if they put in enough work, if you put in enough work and you study then Yes, absolutely. Um, I, I literally paid somebody $3,000 for six months to teach me how to do social media and how to grow a reach and then I've probably spent about 500 hours reading books about all social media. So I would say the best thing to do is to set a weekly, monthly, a quarterly and the yearly goal and what that's gonna do is it's going to allow you to set up a lot of smaller goals to reach them And as long as you don't, you know, a lot of people are just like, oh, I want to make it to partner on twitch, but they have no idea how the **** to get there, you know, so with that I'd be like, my yearly goal would be like partner, my quarterly goal would be, uh, to have at least 75 viewers. You know, my monthly goal will be to have 10 viewers, so on and so forth every month I want to grow by at least 10 more viewers. Okay, so your, so your final thoughts before we leave, what, what advice could you give? Someone who is really looking into going into content creation? That one. What advice did you have you gotten from someone that has helped you along the way and helped you along your journey that may help someone else who's looking to get into content creating, Just be honest with yourself. You know, if you're, if you're really willing to put in the work and this is something you really want just for you and not for the money, then stick with it and don't ever give up. I mean, I'm gonna, I'm a guy with the attention span of a puppy, you know, something shiny goes past me, I'm gonna be chasing the butterfly, you know, uh, and I have really no fashion sense whatsoever, but I always wanted to entertain people. I always wanted to make people laugh and make people happy and as silly as is, I always wanted my own clothing line in my whole life. Everybody told me it wouldn't work. I probably failed about 75 times, if not more. I can't tell you how many websites I've owned in the past and it's finally starting to work out for me and I can't help but to think if I would have stopped just that one last time before it worked out for me, I wouldn't, wouldn't be anywhere close to where I'm at right now in life. So if it's something you really want and you're honest with yourself, like I'm gonna really have to work my *** off for this, then don't ever stop fighting for it. If one way stops and it doesn't work for you no more. Don't get upset. But that study study what you did wrong, Go study what other people did, right? I think that's some good advice. Well, thank you again buddy for coming onto the podcast guys, you can go catch fuse. Oh, live streaming on twitch. I will put his link in the description. Uh, thank you for the conversations today. Thank you for being a part of the podcast. Um, and you know, I, I think your advice is good for anyone who's wants to be a part of twitch and who wants to be in the content creation business and um, like I said, I appreciate it. Well, thank you guys for listening to today's podcast. We had a great time and a wonderful interview with Fusako Adams. I hope to see you guys in the future where we will talk more with other users of twitch. You can catch my live streams over at twitch dot tv slash big D two. Hope to see you there and I would love to answer more questions you have about twitch. If you need help signing up for a George account, I will post some links down below that will assist you in signing up on twitch so that hopefully I can see you in a live stream in the future. Thank you guys for listening and I will see you on the next one.