

From crime reporting to fast paced tv competition on to museum exhibits and nature documentary, Bonnie's versatile style draws you in.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


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said in the post war Los Angeles Boom, The Unsolved murder of Elizabeth short is a cautionary tale about big cities and the dangers of the new, vast urban landscapes of the nation. On january 15th 1947 a severely mutilated naked body was found not far from Hollywood. At autopsy investigators discovered that the body had been expertly bisected. The corpse was that of the 22 year old short reporters gave her the nickname the Black Dahlia. Now with under a minute left, the heat is on literally as Brian puts the finishing touches on the meringue Chef Terry races to get her sauce on the plate. It's a battle for $50,000 and only one can win. 30 seconds to go. It's time to get that food on the plate. Find out who will be our champion after this. Visitors to the pious Clementine Museum at the Vatican often stop in their tracks when they first encounter it. The sculpture Leah Cohen and his sons depicts a shocking scene. Sea serpents bind a terrified man and his two young sons who struggle in vain against the writhing coils. The work has been described as the prototypical icon of a human in agony in the open ocean. In the dead of night, a light studded down line silently sinks 100 ft into the waters, inky depths. Minutes later there's a splash as divers plunge into David do Bill and jennifer Hayes descend into a realm of the unimaginable do Bill and hes see things many marine biologists will never see. There are good inspectors and there are less good inspectors. The Calvert's were finding this out the hard way after sinking over $1 million the report couldn't be more devastating termites. How could they have missed that? Sometimes termite inspectors are just simply lazy and they don't see something that they absolutely should have, and more importantly, how much more would this latest hassle cost them?