Commercial Compilation (Food, Entertainment, Products, Toys, Business, Conversational, Authentic, Believable)

Video Narration


Here is a mixdown of my TOP 5 Commercials.
1. Kraft ~ Mac & Cheese
2. Disney World
3. Clearasil Ultra Rapid Action
4. Barbie
5. Americorp

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Teen (13-17)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Sometimes things change and you don't even notice. Like Kraft, Mac and cheese. We took out all the artificial flavors. Replace them with 100% natural goodness result. The same great flavor you voice love, Kraft, Mac and cheese. There's a place where heroes come to life, where adventure is around every corner and where the magic never ends. It's Disney World Plan. Your trip at Disney dot co dot com First might have a breakout. Then I'd have a freak out until one day I said enough. That's when I got Clearasil. Ultra rapid action. It takes care of breakouts so I can finally breathe clear, self feel the difference. Little girls don't just play with Barbies. They dream with Barbies about what they want to dio and who they want to become. Because you can be anything Barbie way. All want to make a difference. The question is how At AmeriCorps, we're teens and young adults, just like you, working around the country to improve the lives of others. Ready to join. Visit AmeriCorps dot org's