DOCUMENTARY NARRATION - African, Genuine, Articulate, Real Person



DOCUMENTARY NARRATION - African, Genuine, Articulate, Real Person, Trustworthy, Powerful, the documentary follows the life story of a Northern Nigerian female rock breaker who narrates her experiences in Hausa.
Voice-over was delivered in a West African Accent.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


African (General) Trans-Atlantic West African (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
this work can't be done by everyone. I started this work in 1995. I was still nursing my second child. This is getting to my 25th year. My name is La Me Monday. I have five Children. This is really hard work. The fact is I don't have another job. If I did, I wouldn't even show my face here, let alone endured this hardship. It is better than stealing or going into prostitution for money. I don't want to rely on a man today. He may give you money. But tomorrow he won't. It is better for me this way and I'm meeting my needs. This work is no plea. Some days I get dizzy and when you're working you feel as though you applaud his biting you. Due to the hard label, you feel your blood tingle inside. It is not just any part of the rocky heat to break it. If it's not the right part, you can keep heating for an hour and it will not break. I have injured myself several times. I have so many bruises from breaking the rocks. Some time ago I was in a chisel and as I struck, the chisel jumped and hit me on my forehead. There was blood all over my face. I was terrified. I nearly lost an eye. It hits me here. Instead, you can see the scar. We do gets many injuries, or even when we do, we continue breaking the rocks. You will not stay at home because you were injured. All the scars on my body are from flying pieces off rocks. My face is not a reflection of my age. It is this hardly. But I makes me look older than I am. I do this job to provide for my family. It provides food, health, school fees, clothing and basic needs. Are workers in different stages After breaking the large rocks, I'll continue breaking the rocks into smaller pieces and put them in a pile. I later sit and sort them one piece at a time, separating the big rocks from the smaller ones. If I am able to breaking off rocks to fill a truck load in three days, I don't even earn $5. What if I am able to fill a truck load in two days? Then I'll make about $6. Another part of this job is filling bags with smaller rocks. I was so six packs for about $5.5 bags go for about four. If I can get a different type of job to meet my needs, I will change so my body can rest. For now. I will continue doing this job onto God provides an alternative.