Video Game Character Demo Reel



This reel contains a number of characters that display my acting range and abilities. It was professionally produced for me by Kirsty Gilmore @ Sounds Wilde
There are 7 characters in various situations. I have longer pieces of each of the scenes available on request

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (England - Cockney, Estuary, East End) British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Andy Be Robinson Davis. What's wrong? Davis? What's happened? What? Oh, God. Amy! Oh, my God. The kid's Davis. Tell me what's happened. Tell me, Is my family alive? If it's protection you need, I have something that will summon the beast of the sky and the earth to your aid. That's if I can find it. Six more men were lost last night. Duty and destiny have put thousands of miles between us and the people we love. And all we can do is wait to die. No, pull yourself together. It's just a little pain. Show some backbone. Now that's better. I want you fully lucid for the main event. The excruciating deaths of everyone you love. Ha ha! Everyone ready? Right. Let's roll place. Get your hands up! Smoke tonight! Rights orders from command our way. Need to get into the structure and find out what the ****. They're protected now. Command, don't give me details, Which means it's something big or we're walking into a bloody big trap. I have for 1000 years. I and Glenn thiss truck shut day. I do