Old Man - Grandpa

Profile photo for Bob Bavnani
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From friendly to grumpy & angry.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Senior (55+)


Eastern European (General) North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
when I was your age, I didn't even have a pencil to do my homework with. We had to do our homework outside in the freezing snow at night. Felt like a truck hit me Head hurt so bad I couldn't see straight. Took the pep ride of my step. Found a tumor in my brain Yep, they found it, then removed it. Now I'm back on the road Oh, neighbors all see John Farrell's fate disproven here to Hampton News is stronger than man's hate You kids today probably can't even change a tire You better come back here and help me Oh, why bother? You don't know a tire tool from your own backside? Do you know how your genes are made? Like Do you have any idea those jeans you're wearing traveled halfway across the world in a container ship, you will buy the dirtiest fossil fuels. Since you have given your consent to the establishment of a Jewish national home, you must have realized that it is impossible to build on anything but on the land. But you, instead of helping us of piled stones in our way and have made the country into a **** back in my day, we used to play outside, run around and get dirty. Not like my grandkids. Kids these days have a lot of distractions, Brian. In life, you can choose to be a tuba, or you can choose to be a French horn. It's up to you. Hello. I'm sorry. Did you say your name was Mary? Oh, Sarah, I'm sorry. I thought you said Mary. I have a little trouble hearing these days. Dear madam, if you'd be so kind to aid an old man in need Who Where are my manners? I apologize. Piece isn't just a feeling, but something that you know from your head to your toe. And that's the beauty of peace. Ha! The holiday season is upon us. Old traditions are rekindled and new traditions are born. Now, if you'll excuse me, it's time to take a little trip to a special place I like to call Smile town ready to give you a smile whenever you need one and super duper bubbly