Corporate Motivational

Video Narration


Motivational corporate VO.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
champions. An elite performers think differently from the average person, and they follow a different set of standards. Ultimately, this gives them their competitive advantage. It goes without saying, to become great in any field, you need to develop skills. But regardless of background or profession, highly successful individuals share a winning mindset backed by core operating beliefs, which I refer to as global beliefs. Think of your brain is a computer software and your body as the hardware. As we know, a computer is worthless without software, the software controls the hardware, and so we might compare global beliefs with the operating system and a computer that runs all the other programs in the same way your belief structure is thean visible force behind all your decisions and behaviours. Your body does what your brain tells it to within the context of what you believe. Everyone has beliefs, but not everyone lives by a set of empowering beliefs. And that's important because your life is belief driven. Here's the secret. If you want to paint like Leonardo da Vinci, learn to think like him. You don't become a champion boxer without first learning to think like a champion boxer anymore than you can become a Buddhist monk without learning to think like a Buddhist monk