Profile photo for Benjamin Ramsay
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


It is a commercial demo covering several different types of products including tv channel promos, a movie trailer, 2 Restaurant promos, a College promo, a new cookbook.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I'm paying for lunch today. Middle. I mean, it's my way of saying thanks. If you hadn't told me about evening classes, a Trinity College, I never would have finished my degree. In a world that has no future, one man has just discovered is destiny. The battle for tomorrow begins now. Dawn of Destiny. Happy hours features all the kids favorites, hamburgers, pizzas, note shakes and ice cream, plus clowns and live music. Tired of the same old meals Monday night. Mystery meat. Tuesday night. Tuna. Wednesday night. Whatever. Why not try something new Theme. Innovative Chef Cookbook will help spice up your meals, Suspicions, Secrets. A staff that can present a formal dinner in 10 minutes or it must be murder in the palace Tuesday night. We've got your prescription from laughs on the comedy chip at 8 p.m. You'll find yourself in skin with new episodes of doctrinal booze, fallen search. Thank you for listening. I'm Dan Ramsey