Fun camp promo

Profile photo for Todd Wright
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad


Casual/camp director/pastor attitude. Intended to encourage student registration for summer camp.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Rose City summer camps. We are compassion, diversity, learning, integrity, heart and good old fashioned fun. At Rose City, summer camps were more than just staff and councillors were a tribe. Ah, family that stretches across the city region and the whole country. We're not afraid of challenge and growth were about riel life. Riel people and rial change. Push your body Run, Dr Jump and cheer with your cabin every day Stretch your mind. Train, learn, teach and make riel investments in the lives of campers. Feed your spirit deep in your knowledge of the gospel as you grow in community with fellow counselors, camp staff and local families. We believe that when we leave our comfort behind, we open ourselves to goodness and growth that we never could have imagined. We run with passion. We chase down excellence. We give as it has been given to us. So we cultivate, collaborate, celebrate We walk with the love and purpose of Christ in our hearts. We are Rose City summer camps