Brigid Lohrey Commercial Voicereel

Radio Ad


This demo includes commercial jobs I have recorded including the advert for Lavazza Tierra in Australia, The Solstice Study about Endometriosis, Enrich Food Fortifiers advert, The series on Cyber Policy and a Fajita Advert.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Australian British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
rigid Laurie Commercial Riel. Change the world New Lavazza Tierra Coffee grows in certified fields. Sustainable, delicious and respectful of farmers. New Lavazza Tierra Made of Nature If you're a woman with endometriosis, you know how hard it is to manage the painful symptoms of your condition because you don't look sick on the outside. Your family and friends may not understand what you're going through. Getting healthy and staying strong is important at any age. But after you turn 40 you can lose as much as 8% of your muscle every 10 years. And loss of muscle means loss of strength. But now scientific advances have led to a breakthrough in the fight against muscle loss. In rich plus food, Fortify contains 89% high quality protein. Welcome to the Siri's how to engage with cyber policy tools for human rights defenders. Over the course of the next 15 videos will be exploring a range of different cyber policy issues and discussing why they're important from a human rights perspective. But first, why are we focusing on cyber policy? This is the perfect way to wrap up the heater on. This is a perfect way to wrap all the ingredients. Eight. Super soft or tears. Tasty South Onda Choice of delicious seasoning It's not any old. It's the perfect for heater kid discovering Mexican food.