Welcome to Cyber Policy

Video Narration


A sample from a series of videos on Cyber Policy

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)




Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Welcome to the Siri's How to Engage with cyber policy tools for human rights defenders. Over the course of the next 15 videos will be exploring a range of different cyber policy issues and discussing why they're important from a human rights perspective. But first, why are we focusing on cyber policy today? The term cyber is used to cover a range of things related to policy making in the digital age. This Siri's will explore some of the most topical issues, showing you why they're relevant on DH. How you can get involved. The four modules of the Siri's will focus on cybersecurity, human rights, regulatory frameworks and policymaking process is cyber capacity building. Three more videos will then look at these issues from a regional perspective focusing on Africa, Asia and Latin America. By the end, we hope you'll have a better understanding of cyber policy issues and why they're relevant to human rights, a solid grasp of the different actors involved and processes that play on DH. Most importantly, the tools and confidence you need to get involved in these debates. We hope you enjoy the Siri's