

A fluent and engaging rendition of a popular book.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I was born in the middle of a snowstorm on Saturday, 30th of January 1937. My mother was in a maternity clinic in Black Heath, London at the time. About six o'clock in the evening on, my father was fighting a duel with Laurence Olivier at the Old Vic Layer tease versus Hamlet. Someone signal to my father from the wings, It's a girl, and at the curtain call, Olivier stepped forward and announced to the audience that layer teas had a daughter. My father was quietly, rather proud of this storey. He told it to my mother. According to her, Olivier said, Ladies and gentlemen, tonight a great actress has been born. Player tees has a daughter. The earliest memory I can recall in sharp focus with sound and smell is often early summer morning in August 1940 when I was three years old. I'm alone in the garden, eating a bowl of milk and Kellogg's Rice Krispies. The sun shines, the air smells cool, sweet and damp with the moisture from the grass in the leaves of a large chestnut tree. A few midges and flies hover there, buzzing, and the popping noise from the crispies are the only sounds breaking the silence. Suddenly, a vast wailing fills the whole sky. A wooden sash window on the top floor bangs up.