Bryant Falk Television Compilation

Television Ad


I have a great ability to be conversational. \"Guy Next door\". I'm also pretty good at sarcastic when the copy calls for it.

Friendly, Smart with a bit of attitude topped off with Sarcasm

Fidelity, Starbucks, Office Depot, Visa Gold, KB Toys, Sony, Analec

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
you could do it this way. Or get everything you need to capture investment ideas and trade with Fidelity Starbucks Cold brew now in a bottle. You are in so much trouble your broker stapler, man. Lucky for you, I got a new one over it. Office Depot. With your new Visa gold card, you get to enjoy higher spending limits and greater purchasing power. And because it's a Visa card, it's accepted around the world. Apply today at visa dot com K B toys. All the toys your kids are gonna love at prices you're gonna love. Visit K b toys dot com The Sony A 51 100 interchangeable lens camera. Well, data driven marketing has always been at the core of on the com services. This is where analyst comes into play. Yes, Yes, we have great shades. Handmade fries, too. Yes, it's all there. Five guys, burgers and fries. Now go