Bryan Kopta - European Eel Migration Documentary - Educational, Informative, Professional

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Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


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The European eel is one of the most mysterious species of fish in the world, their migration and spawning lifecycle zehr, one of nature's greatest unsolved mysteries. After growing in freshwater and coastal ecosystems in Europe, eels travel back over the Atlantic to the Sargasso Sea to spawn and die. This epic migration is hampered, however, due to numerous obstacles blocking their journey. Commercial fishing, pumping plants, dams, Weir's hydropower stations and habitat pollution pose the biggest threat to the eels survival. This is attributing to the 98% decline in the European eel population, making it a critically endangered species. To better understand these migration barriers, Belgian scientists are tagging eels and tracking their journey. Use air humanely, caught, then undergo a small surgery so that scientists can implant transmitters. These transmitters emit a sound that can be detected when the tag deal swim close to receivers. The researchers have set up a network of almost 200 receivers in the Shell River, Shallow Estuary and Belgian part of the North Sea. To track the eels, the receiver network provides information of wen eels migrate and what triggers them precipitation, temperature and discharge. The tacking research can eight environmental management to act more effectively when protecting meals during peak migration periods. This is informing authorities to organize lowering weirs and opening sluices these environmental windows air used to help eels migrate freely. The tagging research also revealed a new migration route. Until now, it was assumed that yields swim over Scotland to reach the Atlantic Ocean. The researchers discovered that at least some of the West European eels take the English Channel as a shortcut. This might have important implications for the eel population. He'll swimming over Scotland will use more reserved energy, negatively affecting their levels of strength and stamina. Heels taking a shortcut through the English Channel might have higher energy reserves for spawning and reproduction. The Belgian scientists continued attack and record the European eel population there, revealing migration routes and exposing bottlenecks in the eels journey. Working to tackle obstacles and overcome barriers to preserve the eel population