Character accents - French, British, Russian, Texan, Irish, Scottish

Profile photo for Matthew Buckner
Talent Online


Cockney hooligan, proper English gent, hardened cowboy, optimistic country yokel, friendly Irishman, hard working Scot, curious Russian, a very particular Frenchman, Egyptian/Middle Eastern, tough guy New Yorker

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Irish (General) North American (South West - Texas) Scottish (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hi. I'm getting pretty sick of your lips. What do we take this outside and settle it now. Now there's no need to resort to violence. We were merely having a conversation. Now, if I'm being truthful, I'm getting pretty sick of having beans with every single meal. Well now, I don't know, they're pretty good source of nutrition. You got carbohydrates, protein, everything your body needs. You know, Ever since I had Children, it's getting harder and harder to just sit down and have a point from time to time. Well, I can certainly understand that. I've got 15 we little ones myself. Now I am told that this establishment has the best bosch this side of the river. What is this bush? It sounds horrible. Give me a nice red line and aperitif homage any day. This artifact has been in my family for centuries. It is very sacred. Oh yeah. Well I got a baseball signed by the great bambino himself. I'll put that up against your artifact any day of the week. Get out of here.