Her Majesty The Queen

Radio Ad


The Queen of England doing a soft sell ad for Curries! Impersonation of Her Majesty the Queen of England

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Senior (55+)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
people of island. During my long reign, I have visited many places, and it's not all a laugh. Royal touring, I can tell you I've sat through more folk dances than a Morris dancer can shake a stick at feigned interest in everything from fish finger factories to train sheds On. On top of that, there's the constant worry that Phillip will call a Native American chief Toronto or mistake the King of Spain for the waiter. So it's nice to come here to Ireland and have something pleasant to look forward to. The sailors carries to coincide with my visit. There's 25% off wide screen TVs, 30% ORF laptops and 25% off digital cameras. Get some right royal reductions this week at Currys, where they won't be beaten on price. Thank you.