Emirates Airlines Voiceover

Profile photo for Caitlyn Phung
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


Voiceover for a commercial on the USA Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Yeah. Welcome to the USa Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai where we will celebrate freedom, diversity and innovation with our Pavilions theme of life, Liberty and the pursuit of the future. Your journey begins at an enduring symbol of freedom. The statue of liberty thomas jefferson, one of America's first presidents and author of the Declaration of Independence owned this english translation of the holy Koran in his library for the first time. The United States is exhibiting it outside of the country. It is a symbol of our founding respect for religious freedom. Mhm. Learn about some of America's best inventions that changed the world and hear how these creations have transformed society. Catch a one of a kind multimedia show about the power of quantum computing and space exploration. Get up close to an actual lunar sample and a martian meteorite which are over four billion years old and finally see our SpaceX falcon nine rocket replica that has landed next to the USa Pavilion sample the best of delicious american foods while enjoying performances in the Rocket Garden join us as we celebrate the human spirit and infinite possibilities. At the USa Pavilion at expo 2020 Dubai from october 1st 2021 to March 31st 2022 Life Liberty and the pursuit of the future