Television Teaser in Brooding, British Accent (Idris Elba inspired)

Television Ad


Television teaser in British accent. Brooding, mysterious tone.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (England - Cockney, Estuary, East End) British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hello. How are you doing? Had a good day. They saw her be out again. Are you terrified by the fierce world and barbarians? It all seems to be foreign now. A Do you feel this split between yourself and the society? You don't feel as a part of the community anymore, do you? But when you were left on your own, what is in your head? What are you pondering? God, Your kings, your morals. You believe to be scared of death? No, You're scared of life. You believe you're scared of others. You are scared of yourself when the last stress fall and your money can't solve it. What is your alibi? What are you left with your sins Lust God! Well, let me put this mirror in front of you and show you if you don't dare yourself. Hello. How are you doing? And a good day. Excited to be out again? Are you terrified by the fierce world of barbarians? It all seems to be foreign now a Do you feel this split between yourself and the society? We don't feel there's a part of the community anymore, do you? But when you are left on your own. What is in your head? What are you pondering? God, Your kings, Your morals. You believe to be scared of death? No. You were scared of life. You believe you're scared of others. You are scared of yourself when the last stress forward and your money can't solve it. What is your alibi? What are you left with? Your sins Lust God! Well, let me put this mirror in front of you and show you if you don't dare yourself.