Characters: Preacher, Animated Ant, Sci Fi, Germans, & Sports Narrator

Profile photo for Carlton Gorrell
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


This demo captures 2 radio ads that feature a thunderous preacher and an animated, saucy, and convincing insect. A commanding TV tour guide through the vast unknown has also been included as well as 2 audiobook samples that contrast each other in mood and energy. I was the sole voice actor featured.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


German North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) US African American


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
dear flora and fauna. We are gathered here today to mourn our friend the dandelion. He was sadly struck down and decapitated in his prime. True edge mowers. I know what you're thinking. Who does this little sugar and think he is. You see, I get around and today I walk through your wall to get here. You got a serious small problem in their welcome to a place where time, space and sound have no meaning what you are feeling right now are the effects of traveling through the outer zone. Father johann said, why do they call it a frolic? When all us men are going to work hard to put up the new couple's home, we call it a frolic because it is always a joy to labor with your community. To give a great gift to someone. You will have five minutes. You have to eat all the toppings and the crust on every piece. Do you understand the rules? Both contestants nodded. Mark sliced his hand down through the air and said, Girl, I'm Carlton Gorrell, thank you for listening.