Old Ladies, Grandmas, Witches, and Crones



I've been hired well over a dozen times for 'old lady' voices for video games, animation, documentaries, and a short film. These are samples from that work. I have also added music and effects to create the scene, and produced the demo myself.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Senior (55+)


North American (General) North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
you? How dare you interfere with the witches of Sleepy Hollow? I'll teach you a lesson. I know you want to stop her and so do I. I can help you, but I need some rest. The fight drained my powers. Please give me a potion to restore my powers, collect your golden eggs today on Jackpot Party Casino. Oh, my! These big winds are taking flight. Congratulations. Dearie. I'm beginning to see your purpose in our coven. You will be the catalyst we require to restore our protective wards. Who's a good boy? You're a good boy, whose mama's little man. Yes, your mama's little man. I'm not that weak. I still have enough power to fight and make sure you all die with little man. I'm not that weak. I still have enough power to fight and make sure you all die.