Latina - Diverse - APPS - Corporate - ELearning - Videos



Demo compilation of several elearning projects. Instructional video, elearning app for middle schoolers, brand video, Human Resources character, and Deloitte video branding.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) Spanish (General) Spanish (Mexican)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
If you drive an electric vehicle, you may be wondering how to prepare to enter the car wash tunnel. It's easy to do but a little different than other vehicles. So let's walk through it, step by step on this Tesla Model three. Hey, there, I'm Felice. I'm from Dallas, Texas, but I recently moved to Atlanta with my parents. I love cooking, barbecue, exploring different parks and helping my younger brother with his homework. Me and let's do this. The experience that happens often is the, where are you from? Question? I say California and then they ask no, but where are you from? I know what they're asking. But if I say I'm Mexican, it implies I'm from Mexico. But our fans had other ideas and they kept reminding us why they loved us. It was time to match their energy and give the brand a restart. A new mantra to develop everything in life. You never know how far one idea will go and who it will impact. We measure ideas by the impact they have because why work so hard to find solutions if it doesn't make a difference in people's lives, no matter who you are or where you're going. Deloitte? Is there creating impact where it matters most?