Video narration for eLearning role

Profile photo for Casey Tamblyn
Not Yet Rated


I wrote and produced a video to explain the role of an editor within my eLearning organization. This sample includes the narration I provided for this video.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hi I'm Eddie the editor. I play a crucial role in content development but not everyone knows who I am and what I do. I'm here to tell you more about myself, my role and how using me and my team of editors on your projects can improve quality and help to ensure client satisfaction. Every time. First off I can find errors. Others miss and I'm trained in methods to make anyone's writing shine with the polish of consistency and quality. I also have experience with many different writing styles. Style guides, document and deliverable types and clients. If you can write it, I can edit it. Plus I am flexible and I can work on your project at any stage of development from kickoff to client delivery and best of all I'm available right now. Last year Patti managed project X for her client abc bank, she assembled a team of instructional designers, content developers and media developers who all did their best to create a great web based training course for their client. However, Patty didn't utilize editors at any stage of development without an editor checking for proper style grammar comprehension functionality and template alignment errors popped up in the course she delivered to the client and without that valuable second set of eyes editors provide during development. Those teammates who consistently worked on the project glazed over issues especially amid tight timelines which introduced errors and inconsistencies throughout the course, once the client reviewed the completed course, they were not happy but let's look at project. Why Patty engaged me. Eddie the editor from the start and before the project even began I was able to identify common terms, suggest ideas for ensuring consistency and positioned myself as the primary editorial resource for the project from beginning to end, I then reviewed all deliverables at each development phase, ensuring the client saw only clean, consistent error free content. And once the course was programmed, my training in reviewing online materials, ensured my reviews found and eliminated any functional issues and other sneaky airs that had popped up As a result, the client was thrilled with the final version of the course which was clean, consistent of the highest quality and function perfectly. See how happy our client was. Let's take a look at some of the things clients have said about projects. Our editors have worked on p m s c d s and I d s have praised editors for their great work and lauded how having them work on their projects has made them shine as you can see using an editor on your project at every phase is really a no brainer. GPS editors are experienced, knowledgeable, highly trained, adaptable, qualified and certified and available now by bringing us on board for your projects, you'll increase quality, ensure consistency and most importantly, make our clients very happy. So what are you waiting for? Contact the edit? Re sourcing alias today to learn more about how editors can help make you shine