ELearning narration

Profile photo for Casey Tamblyn
Not Yet Rated


This is narration for a client in the eLearning industry.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
in a world that is constantly changing. We must lead our teams with agility and foster innovation to create new solutions for our customers as we discover new ways of working with each other as leaders shaping the future is our day job. Let's take a look at how to leaders in different roles. Bring this imperative to life. Hector is full of innovative ideas that break from traditional thinking. His enthusiasm shines through when exploring new products or new ways of working to shape the future. Hector protects time for deep thinking and visioning values, progress over perfection. Listens for opportunities to help solve new problems and tracks industry trends and innovation, but he is unsure how to help his team embrace and co create these initiatives. He hasn't invested the time to get to know the people on his team, their passions or what they are curious about. So it's hard for him to see how they can help inspire and shape the future. During a recent check in conversation with his leader, Hector shared how he is struggling with how to help his team embrace and co create initiatives. Meet Cindy, a new engineer as a newcomer. Cindy relies on her strength, hard work, attention to detail and completing projects on time. Always a high achiever. Cindy wants to make a good impression and do things right. So she is hesitant to bring up ideas that might rock the boat. She knows Hector. Her boss enjoys working with her. The thought of promoting new ideas that might be different from his approach is intimidating. What if he is put off by them. She's not sure how to share her suggestions and new approaches, so she doesn't raise them with Hector until one day Hector schedules a virtual one on one meeting with Cindy. She thought she'd done something wrong or that maybe she was going to get a big project to sign, but instead he just wanted to talk, they've chatted before, but this was the first time she felt he was genuinely interested in who she was and what she cared about. He asked how she got into engineering and what she was passionate about. She was amazed when he said he was stuck with an idea and wanted to hear her ideas on what to do. That was when Cindy felt things shift in her job, she started looking beyond the tasks of the day and began to look at the big picture and envision what could be now she and others on the team are helping solve the challenge. That was troubling Hector and she's excited to share new and innovative ideas and is willing to ask tough questions