Internet Video

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Video Narration

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Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


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have you factored inflation into your retirement income plan even a relatively low rate of inflation. Consignia efficiently diminish your spending power over time. For example, today's $30,000 car would have a price tag of over $54,000 in 20 years, assuming a 3% annual rate of inflation. Consider how inflation might impact the spending needs of Bill. Ah, hypothetical. Retiree Bill expects to spend $40,000 during his first year of retirement, Assuming a 3% annual inflation rate, he would need to spend more than $45,000 in his fifth year of retirement to have the same purchasing power in your 15 he would require more than 60,000 and in his 30th year of retirement, he would require more than $94,000. Assuming of 5% inflation rate, Bill would need more than 48,000 for his fifth year of retirement, more than 79 for his 15th year and more than $164,000 for his 30th year. Although inflation has been moderate in recent years, overall prices have risen in the United States every year since 1955 ranging from a high of 13.3% in 1979 to just 0.1% in 2008. To account for inflation, you may need to assume an annual increase in your retirement withdrawal rate and consider maintaining some growth oriented investments in your portfolio. Be sure to speak with a financial professional about your retirement income strategy and how you can prepare for the potential effects of inflation.