Political Themed TV Demo

Profile photo for Rebecca Cesa
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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Maybe there's a path forward, a way to work together, to celebrate the dreams, the beliefs, the values that unite us. Because if all of us had a voice, well, none of us would have to shout. Isn't it time we found a better way? Smear campaigns, mud slinging? Twisting the truth? Why do politicians resort to such underhanded tactics? Do they think it really helps their campaign? County teachers are so strapped for classroom funding that they're forced to use their own money to buy supplies. For our kids, it's time to elect a strong voice will put money back into our school systems. When you put Democrats in charge, you put your values into action. A vote for Susan Sanders is a vote for renewed stability bill. English is solid. Record speaks volumes, bills a hometown boy who loves his district and will fight for what's right. That's why your vote needs to be for Bill