Chantel Eubanks Animation Compilation Demo



Looking for an energetic upbeat valley girl, a nerdy intelligent engineer, a sweet loving fairy princess, a guff school boy, or a mean principal, then look no further! My versatile voice would be great for your project. I can play any range from an adventurous kid to crazy old women.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Your clothes are so totally uncle. You better change right now. Because if you look back, I look back and I never looked back. Any alarms going off? Huh? Indian explode it Interesting explode for no reason. We don't get the tricks right now will go the way of the dinosaur. Oh my tears feel not citizens. I shall not abandoned you. Whenever you're frightened, call my name and I shall appear. Alright, guys, Here's how we're going to steal at change cookies. You will get him in. I'll stand God. Friction is good but the occult is bad Now shall we get back to work?