PSA Demo - Real, Authentic, Believable

Profile photo for Charles Ardman
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


Health, homelessness, a stronger, better society

Vocal Characteristics




North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I quit coughing, I quit feeling out of breath. I quit spending thousands of dollars. I quit hiding around the corner, quit smoking today. We know it's hard. We're here to help We provide critical services for the most vulnerable in our city and we rely on donor support to help us achieve our goals. Each night we provide shelter to over 1000 men, women and Children. Those who come long after us will see in this moment, after all this adversity, we didn't rebuild the good old days. We created better ones for everyone. We took the hard won lessons about ourselves and each other about what's important and what never really was. We used it to become wiser, braver. All the stillness and separation has been building. You can feel it, our inventive spirit, begging to break free, our energy searching for an outlet. We need what we do in the world to be good for the world. Those who come along after us will see. We learned we changed. We chose