Young Adult Fiction Audiobook Sample

Profile photo for Charli Burrow
Not Yet Rated


Recorded in my home studio.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the world starts somersaulting. i fling words at fry. you know, michelangelo ever heard of him? i'm not going to act like me. act tough and you are tough as dad has said and said and said like i'm some kind of broken umbrella. yeah, i've heard of him. fry says out of the big bulgy mouth that clumps with the rest of his big bulgy features under the world's most massive forehead, making it very easy to mistake him for a hippopotamus. he rips the page out of the sketch pad. h he was ***. he was my mom wrote a whole book about it. not that fry knows he calls everyone *** when he's not calling them **** and ***** and me **** and ***** and bubble. zephyr laughs a dark demon laugh. it vibrates through me. fry holds up the next sketch. more. david. the bottom half of him. a study in detail. i go cold. they're both laughing. now. it's echoing through the forest. it's coming out of birds again. i try to break free of the lock. zephyr has me in so i can ****** the pad out of fry's hands, but it only tightens zephyr's hold. zephyr who's freaking thor, one of his arms is choked around my neck. the other braced across my torso like a seat belt. he's bare chested straight off the beach and the heat of him is seeping through my t shirt. his cocoanut suntan lotions filling my nose. my whole head. the strong smell of the ocean too, like he's carrying it on his back. zephyr dragging the tide along like a blanket behind him. that would be good. that would be it. portrait. the boy who walked off with the sea but not now. noah. so not the time to mind. paint this cretin. i snap back. taste the salt on my lips. remind myself i'm about to die. zephyr's long seaweed hair is wet and dripping down my neck and shoulders. i notice we're breathing in sync, heavy bulky breaths. i try to sync with him. i try to un sync with the law of gravity and float up. can't do either. can't do anything.