Celebrity Jeopardy!

Profile photo for Tim Chessman
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This is a comedic parody of the Saturday Night Live recurring sketch “Celebrity Jeopardy,” where I perform impressions of 4 distinct characters: Will Farrell as Alex Trebek, Sean Connery, Marlon Brando and Matthew McConaughey.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Okay. Welcome back to Celebrity Jeopardy. Unfortunately, I'm Alex Trebek in first place. Today with negative $6500 is Matthew McConaughey. Hey, thanks, Alex. I just kind of go from place to place doing what I do. Drinking my bourbon, driving my Lincoln, just living life. All right. All right. Okay. In second place with negative $11,000 is Marlon Brando. I want to make a film about puppets and only puppets, and I really only like the English mustard. Okay, that is pure nonsense. And finally, in third place with negative $16,700 is my old friend Sean Connery. Let's get on with a trip back. I've got a date with your mother later. Okay, Mr McConaughey, the board is yours. Well, you know, Alex, I kind of just go around doing my thing, you know, meeting folks, drinking my bourbon, driving my Lincoln, making a few features, trying to prove I'm better in Chiana Reeves. You know, lifting weights get tanned. All right, All right. All right. Okay. That is pure drivel, Mr Brando. Fishing for 1000. There is no fishing on the board. Well, one time on the island of Tahiti. I saw these monkeys catch Frisbees in the tea. That was fascinating. Okay, that is complete lunacy. I won't even bother asking Mr Connery to choose a category because it will just result in some off color comment about my mother. So let's just go to animal sounds for 200. Answer. This is the sound a dog makes Mr Connery move. No. Good Lord. Well, that's a sound your mother made last night. We would have accepted Bow Wow or Ruff Ruff. Just the way your mother likes a trip back on the day is mine. All right, that's that's That's it for Celebrity Jeopardy. I'm Alex Trebek, and I just can't take it anymore. I'm going outside and hopefully get hit by a bus. Bye bye.