Purrdy the Cat - The Factory - Audio Drama - Solo Show

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Purrdy the Cat - The Factory - Audio Drama - Solo Show - British accent

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (England - Cockney, Estuary, East End) British (General) Scottish (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Purdy is an extraordinary adventurous cat. She loves going places with her little pet rat on friday morning every week without fail. The big garbage truck does the wheelie bin trail. If she hops in the bin and waits there inside. She knows she'll be in for her next crazy ride. She can see all the sights around the town and the shore. Today, Purdy wondered just what lay in store. Sure enough up, pulled the truck for the bin and Purdy was off down the road with a grin. Then suddenly she got the biggest surprise. She could hardly believe her Purdy cat eyes. A cat just like her on a colorful sign inviting all four footed felines to dine. Kittens and cats prefer kitty cat crunch. The neon sign said, it's the perfect munch. Now this deserved further investigation. Maybe fortunate fame, her new destination. She jumped off the truck onto all her four paws in front of enormous red factory doors. What a huge, noisy place with its clanking and whirring so loud that it drowned out her own happy purring Purdy thought, wow, I'm in for a treat. I think I can smell something yummy to eat. So curious, Purdy went sneaking inside and searched all around for a safe place to hide a kitty food factory, wow, fancy that she saw kitty cat crunch in each shiny vat. My favorite food. I'm here in cat heaven! She counted the courses one through to seven beef lamb liver kidneys and heart sardines or chicken. Where would she start? She jumped into this fat, then jumped into that and she ate and she ate, she was getting so fat. But just as she started, the kitty cat chicken, the vat began turning and started to quicken. It spun with a sound like a giant hurdy, gurdy whizzing and whirring and spinning with Purdy. Then, before she could notice how dizzy she felt, she got tipped out and onto a fast moving belt up. It went, then over the top like a huge rollercoaster that just wouldn't stop. She went through a dryer, a tumbler hopper. Then Purdy reached over and pushed the red stop Beauty. There's that cat! Yelled the foreman, quick! Somebody snatcher but Purdy ran off before they could catch her. You must love our food because you've eaten a lot, You could be your own pretty weak kitty mascot, but Fortune and fame had lost all its appeal, Purdy just didn't want that kind of deal frazzled and frayed like a washed out we rag. She leapt into hide in a wide open bag. But now all the bags were being lined up and filled. She was up to her neck in it and not very thrilled. Then each bag was sealed in a carton and stamped. Now Purdy was bagged, she was boxed, she was cramped. Then the boxes were loaded up into a van and driven downtown to the grocery man where mum was out shopping for food for their lunch and bought that new bag of kitty cat crunch. Then, as mom drove back home to park by the gate, Purdy decided to make her escape. She clawed through the bag and burst out with a cheer with kitty cat crunchy bits stuck in her hair. Naughty Purdy! Growled, Mum, stop helping yourself, I'll be putting this bag high up on the shelf. And who said you could come shopping with me, but Purdy just Purdy. She was home, she was free, she'd been through the mill, she'd been churned in her that she'd been crunched on her head and she even got fat. But Purdy just beamed in a proud sort of way as she schemed and she dreamed of next wheelie bin day.