Real Estate Investment Narrator - Conversational, Informative

Profile photo for Christopher C. Odom
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Audiobook narration for a real estate investment book

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Chapter one Dispelling for Commercial Real Estate Investing Myths. I know commercial real estate investing can be intimidating. I won't pretend it's not. When I first started out, I was absolutely intimidated. Just the thought of investing millions and millions of dollars of my money or someone else's was enough to send me scrambling right back to safe. Simple residential investing. Fast forward to today. And of course, I've overcome those hurdles and my other challenges that popped up along my journey. Now I recognize the same fear and intimidation and others wanting to get into the commercial investing game. The worst part though, in most cases, what's holding them back is just all a myth. I'll say it again. What's holding back aspiring commercial real estate investors possibly you from jumping in isn't often real. These hurdles are just myths we've convinced ourselves of created or heard from someone else saying it can't be done. Moving forward simply means dispelling any myths and instead believing I can. Let's look at the four most common myths about commercial real estate investing. Then examine the actual truths. You can get out of your own way and start seeing real results in a big way