Animation & Video Game Demo



This Animation demo consist of a variety of youthful styles, young and old, multiple characters, and engaging animated compilations.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Teen (13-17)


African (General) North American (General) US African American


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
you think you could take us down? Way took you down first. How are you, Karate punch? We got this, I baby because I love to be the baby in the family because my mom and my Bobby Yeah, if I was back home, I would be in shorts and sandals and even go swimming. But now I live in city town where it actually gets cold enough to snow. I get to play in the snow, make snowballs and snow angels. But what I want to do most of all is learn how to make my very first snowman. Oh, yes. I'm gonna whip in on them. I'm gonna whip it up tonight. I'm gonna write his hard working out a good old time, Ma, Pa. Put a little bit of old sardines in there. I said go Look. Creatures that seemed born of darkness. What are they? Could they be the shadows of those who lost their hearts in my experiments? Dinner? Respect my time. You scared me, Thio. You made me think I'm just looking for an old well know it. Not talking, huh? Magic Dowser Magic Hauser.