Animation, Gaming & Character Voices



Lots of fun Voices for Animated series, Games and wacky ads!

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) Standard Mandarin Chinese


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
who dares to stir by slumber? Moradi? I can do whatever I want. I can do it. But I'll just have to complain a little bit. Yeah, I kind of talk out of the side of my mouth cause I'm kind of ****** off most of the time. You're pathetic. Tennis racket. Where's your gun? Right winger? Put the racket down before you hurt yourself. Throw cake. Given a Tom that your ***** is broken D Okay, so here we are in the lacy Master bedroom on a Tuesday night. How about the ex Virgin Airlines stewardess with whom you're having a flirty, platonic relationship? Her name is Naomi. You are the one who thought my fall a student. You are too slow. Available now for a limited time. Only the gym flex. 3000 tonier abs, your triceps, your packs and mawr get that firm buttocks that everyone in the office will be talking about. Well, well, Dorothy. Oh, you finally arrived here in the which is forest. Don't be frightened. I want eyes. You want silver shoes? Enemy attack pattern analyzed. Bio signs detected. Termination efficiency determined. We slip through deaths. Fingers. Our enemies will not. It has been done. Only debris remains. Stress, kitsch and juncture. Together, we won't expression for you to surrender. Teoh. Yeah, no trouble for me. It's easy being wrongly. Everything's pretty easy.