Claire on the air!

Profile photo for Claire Parks
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad


My demo showcases commercials with a bubbly and upbeat tone. A trustworthy voice for any product or service!

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
warning. The jock you're about to hear is not for the weak minded or faint of heart. Listen at your own risk. Way high. I'll take a martini straight up and make it surat way. Have an ambulance in the area. They will be there in two minutes. It. Angie White of Frisco writes. Dear Mountain Automotive. I was driving by your lot on Sunday in my old car, and I realized it might be time for something new. I even saw one car a lot. It's why they'll handle the insurance arrangements for you. It's why they fill out all those D M V forms so you don't have Thio. All you have to dio is browse and undistributed comfort until you find exactly the car you want and Mountain Automotive makes it easy and affordable. Angie, Thanks for writing and thanks for shopping. Mountain Automotive just passed Summit Golf Course on Route nine in Frisco. Hey, can I ask you something? It's never mind. It's okay. Really. What? Well, it's just that you look like a jalapeno pepper. You can call me how, baby? I didn't know Lakewood had a new Mexican restaurant, and even if it did I would not call you baby. All I can say is that they've got the best Diet Cokes at when I like to dip my fries in the frosty. It's so delicious. Wendy's burgers are fantastic. I get a double cheese every time I go. I'm a creature of habit, so it's no wonder that when I'm in the mood for burgers Fries Minnesota. I'm going toe Wendy's. But it's not just burgers and fries. Wendy's has expanded their menu to include Asian chicken, so visit us at any one of our Denver metro area. Locations were open late until midnight. It's not fast food. It's Wendy's. Congratulations. Thank you. Thank you for listening to the demo of Claire Camden. If you have any feedback, I would greatly appreciate it. Please give me a call at 317 6706078 Or you can email me at Claire de Camden at yahoo dot com that c l a I r E D C A M D E n at yahoo dot com