Audiobook - Self Help Diet

Profile photo for Vanessa Singleton
Not Yet Rated


A self help project about emotional eating.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
If we're completely honest, we've all been there, it could be a bag of chips while watching tv stuffing our face with junk food while studying for a big test, eating right out of the ice cream tub. When something upsets us, the list goes on. Most people do these things without even thinking about it. This is because people often use food to deal with feelings. Emotional eating is when you eat as a way to relieve negative emotions and when you're not hungry, it's used as a coping strategy and can end up causing more problems in the future over time, this kind of unhealthy eating can also lead to many eating disorders like bulimia. It's surprising when you realize just how many people tend to deal with problematic situations using comfort food and how many other people actually enable this tendency. Have you noticed how your friends always offer to buy you some ice cream when they see you're feeling down? It might seem nice at the time, but it just fuels the bad habit eating a lot of food. When life gets tough will never be a solution, It will make you feel better for a few minutes. But in the long run you're just adding more problems like weight gain to the list. Emotional eating needs to be given serious consideration and warren's consultation with a doctor. It has many things in common with eating disorders. So it's important that you take notice of the signs of emotional eating as early as possible and take control instead of reaching for food to deal with negative emotions. It's essential to learn how you can more effectively deal with tough situations. Your coping strategies need to be healthy, and something you'll benefit from emotional eating will give you a temporary respite. But at the end of the day, it will not solve the problem but lead to more.