Animation Demo - Characters, Funny, Cartoon, Accents, Versatile



This demo highlights a handful of different character voices for animation and video games.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) North American (General) North American (US New York, New Jersey, Bronx, Brooklyn) Scottish (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
uh dignity Dude, let's have a party beloved to party. Oh my God, thank you all so much. Welcome to the party in my mouth. Always be two things classy and fabulous ISIS. That deals, get off, get off serves you right. Stay wild thing. Five boom smell. Boom. Yes. A ludicrous parcel of dribbling glutes the fishies. Where are they? My gold gold fish is to him to mama. I've been to frigid, but now I'm hot. Let me save them and you and I will be together forever. Some say our fate is woven together. One's destiny intertwines with many others. You know what would make anti venom? Very happy. Find those David. David do whatever it takes to protect the entire world. Sorry, I don't speak like data as well as you, but let me try dot Yeah, like you're welcome. Oh, I just love her. Just remember I know how to hide a dead body. Life's not fair, is it, sweetheart? You see, you shall never be queen. Finally intercepted that pain in my *** A now bring me the wood chipper. Everybody needs to brush their teeth. Hand cloud. Oh, that's your way, swell perfectly marvelous, boy! I can't wait to do it again. Only little little smell my finger.